We think so. And we believe God is calling us to prepare them to Learn to Lead.
Saint Pius X Catholic Church is located in Norfolk, Virginia, in the Diocese of Richmond. The parish was established in 1955 by the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity. Our current church was constructed and dedicated in December 1970. In 1982, priests of the Diocese of Richmond assumed pastoral responsibilities. The parish is approximately 1,000 families with a Catholic School of approximately 140 families. The parish’s demographics are diverse, consisting of whites, a strong Filipino presence, and some Hispanics and Black Catholics. In addition, being in the Hampton Roads area of the Commonwealth of Virginia, our parish also has a strong military presence. With over 35 ministries serving the parish and wider community, St. Pius X provides opportunities for our parishioners to develop and practice their faith, serve those in need, share their God-given talents, and evangelize the Good News.
Our school has been the first step in building a foundation for faith, academics, athletics, and social and moral development for students since 1956. Although the presence of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM), has been replaced with lay staff over the years, the impact and influence of the IHM Sisters remain at the heart of the school’s mission to develop the body, mind, and spirit of each student.
Today, St. Pius X serves nearly 200 students in grades PreK-3 through 8. In addition to core academic offerings, the school offers multiple athletic options, including Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Track and Field, and Volleyball; afterschool clubs, and other activities. Students attend weekly Mass and prayer services throughout the year and are introduced to service projects to support those in need in our community, country, and world. Additionally, St. Pius X is recognized as a National Purple Star School for its ongoing support of military families and military-connected students.
As a parish school, St. Pius X School works in coordination with St. Pius X Catholic Church to provide a nurturing community that supports the lives of our parishioners and our school families.

We need your help to prepare a new generation of students and parishioners.
The goal of our campaign is to invest in our facility, staff, and, most importantly, our students. Upgrades to classrooms and campus spaces, as well as an increase in financial aid and support for our teachers and staff, will directly benefit our school and parish communities. In addition, we are looking to update and renovate other parish buildings on the campus, including our Parish Offices, Memorial Hall, and former Convent, to provide adequate and additional meeting areas for groups. Both church and school buildings have served our past admirably, and now this is your opportunity to better serve the present and secure the future of St. Pius X for generations to come.

School Security - $140,000
The addition of security cameras, new doors, automated security gates, and a key fob system will enhance the safety of our students and school staff.
Classroom Renovations - $650,000
Modernizing our instructional spaces to create more comfortable and conducive learning environments will attract and serve students for years to come.
Hallway Renovations - $390,000
This necessary work will brighten and clean our hallways and provide visual appeal for potential families and visitors.
Admissions & Administrative Office Renovations - $100,000
Update the office area into a more welcoming environment and provide meeting spaces for our admissions team and administrative staff.
Campus Enhancements - $240,000
Mill, pave, and paint the back parking lot, which serves various school functions, e.g., afternoon dismissal, Halloween Trunk or Treat, etc.; and will be used by parishioners for weekend Masses. Interior upgrades in the Parish Hall will support daily and annual events for the parish and school.
Parish Office and former Convent renovations - $100,000
Renovate the parish office space to enhance our food pantry and other outreach ministries; increase meeting space options in the parish.
Parish Security - $100,000
The addition of security cameras, new interior and exterior doors, and a key fob system will enhance the safety of our church.
Memorial Hall - $130,000
Renovate the rooms of Memorial Hall; replace the windows; upgrade the bathrooms.
Teacher Salaries - $250,000
Support our greatest resource and attract qualified candidates financially to be more competitive with other schools and districts.

School endowments will provide a source for tuition assistance and other facility needs in perpetuity. Parish endowments to St. Pius X investment fund will help to maintain the parish upkeep and ensure faith formation and outreach for generations to come.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Despite several avenues for assistance and aid, a source of unrestricted financial aid will benefit families of all economic levels.